Professor at NMIMS,Mumbai
नोट-यहाँ जो भी विवरण है उसे हम सभी के परस्पर मिलने और लाभ के लिए विभिन्न श्रोत से प्राप्त कर प्रकाशित किए हैं ।यदि आप चाहते हैं कि यह न रहे तो 09555166382 पर जरूर बताएं ।और यदि अपने बारे में जोड़ना चाहते है तो खुद ही sign up कर जोड़ सकते हैं ।
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Applied Economics); MBA (International Business); B.Sc. (Mathematics)
Assistant Professor, School of Business Management, NMIMS, Navi Mumbai
Email ID:
Subject Teaching:
Marketing Management, B2B Marketing, Sales & Distribution Management and Marketing Strategy
Major Achievements, Awards and Certifications
Awarded Emerald 25th Literati award for excellence (2018) for outstanding research paper
Awarded National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship by University Grants Commission (UGC)
Academy of Management
Teaching Experience
8 years
Teaching and Pedagogical Innovations
Use case method of teaching and learner centered teaching activities in delivery of courses
Developed Cases for B2B Marketing and Marketing Strategy
Research Interest
Adoption and usage of innovation at organizational and individual level; Channel relationship and; Outsourcing
Journal /Conferences Publications:
01.Singh, V., Verma, S., and Chaurasia, S. (2019). Intellectual Structure of Multigenerational workforce and Contextualizing work values across generations: A multi stage analysis. (Academy of Management Conference, Boston-2019)
02.Chaurasia, S., Verma, S and Singh, V. (2019). Exploring the Intention to Use M-payment: An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation and Perceived Demonetization Regulation. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (Accepted Paper). (ABDC B).
03.Verma, S, Chaurasia, S. and Singh, V. (2019). Understanding the Corpus of Mobile Payment Services Research: An Analysis of the Literature Using Co-Citation Analysis and Social Network Analysis. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management (Accepted Paper). (ABDC C).
04.Verma, S., Chaurasia, S. and Bhattacharya, S.(2019) , The effect of government regulations on continuance intention of in-store proximity mobile payment services,International Journal of Bank Marketing (EarlyCite Published Paper) (ABDC B )
05.Rosin, R, Stubner, A, Chaurasia, S. and Verma, S. (2019). Outsourcing, information symmetry and governance: Interplay effect of retailer’s formal and informal control on manufacturer’s outsourcing performance. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol. 32 No. 6, pp. 993-1014. (ABDC B)
06.Verma, S and Chaurasia, S. (2019). Understanding the determinants of big data analytics adoption. Information Resource Management Journal. , Vol. 32 Issue 3,pp. 1-26. (ABDC C).
07.Chaurasia.S; Kodwani,D; Ketkar,M and Lachhwani,H. (2018). Big data academic and learning analytics: Connecting the dots for academic excellence in higher education. International Journal of Education Management, Vol. 32 Issue: 6, pp.1099-1117 (ABDC B).
08.Chaurasia.S (2018). I Can’t But We Can! Impact of goal compatibility on value co-Creation in retailer-manufacturer outsourcing relationship. Global Journal of Strategic Sourcing. Volume 11 Issue 01. pp. 123-144 (ABDC B).
09.Chaurasia.S and Rosin, A.F. (2017). From Big data to Big Impact: Analytics for teaching and learning in higher education. Industrial and Commercial Training Volume 49 Issue 07/08. Page 321-328 (Scopus Indexed).
01.Chaurasia.S and Niyogi,T(2016), Niyogi Books: Making a difference in the Indian Book Publishing Industry. Emerald Emerging Market Case Journal. Volume 7. Issue 01, Page 1-20.
02.Chaurasia.S and Kolati,R(2016), Private Label Outsourcing Dilemma at Megatex :Necessity, Accessory or a Parasite. Emerald Emerging Market Case Journal. Volume 6. Issue 03, Page 1-20.
03.Chaurasia.S (2016), Panacea Specialty Chemicals: Why the New Corrosion Inhibitor is Corroding Us? Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 22, Issue 3. Page 22-31.( (Scopus Indexed)
04.Sanjeev,S. and Chaurasia.S (2016), Customer Lifetime Value at Telephonic Inc. Case Center. Case Reference no. 516-0007-1.
Consultancy Assignments:
01.Co-Investigator ICSSR funded project titled “A Study of Women Entrepreneurship in Agro-Based Industries in Punjab: Challenges and Opportunities”. Fund allocated: 15 Lakh.
Training & MDP Conducted
Conducted training and management development program for Federation of Indian Export Organization (FIEO), Ministry of Commerce, TATA Rallis India Limited and Welspun India Limited